Patch notes 9.116

Update 12/04/2023 ~~ Besti 9.116
NEW FEATURE: The Oculus compositor is now natively supported. There’s no need to start SteamVR. Play in Oculus mode by choosing “Oculus VR” after selecting your save file.
NEW FEATURE: When controllers or your hands are not tracking, the avatar character will track to a sensible default rather than whatever the zero position of the controllers is. This works per-hand, so if you’re only using one controller, that is the hand that will be controlled. The other hand will go to where it would if you were in 2D mode.
NEW FEATURE: When going into manual control mode of a friend, your controller models will be hidden if using controllers, and your hand doing the controlling will revert to the sensible position. Essentially, Besti Toy mode is now automatic.

General improvements: The game takes ~40MB less memory due to a rewrite of the interaction interface which was needed to support hands.

Bug Fix: Spawning friends in VR no longer sometimes leaves the selection cursor on.
Bug Fix: Clothing that has been enhanced for SuperResolution friends now no longer spawns extra instances of the clothing if you have SuperResolution disabled.
Bug Fix: Spawning friends and then pressing the menu button on the right controller no longer occasionally causes a behavior where the friend unspawns and requests to be respawned.
Bug fix: Standing Anal in VR now has a speed slider in the UI.
Bug fix: Kneeling facefuck in VR now has a speed slider in the UI.
Bug Fix: POT Vaginal in guided mode no longer has a speed slider that does nothing.
Bug Fix: POT Anal in guided mode no longer has a speed slider that does nothing.
Bug Fix: Several small bugs fixed in various locations.