Update 6/6/2022 ~~ Besti 9.103
Added multiple new behaviors to the kneeling position. Kneeling now has a variety of rear hoof masturbation behaviors. These are compatible with the Besti toy/manual control in VR, and you can chose to have the pony masturbate while doing the hoofjob on you or not. How the pony masturbates depends on what genitals he or she has, and if the pony has both sets you can pick which set to use. This leads to neat situations with herms where they’ll masturbate their female anatomy but then ejaculate onto their own face with their dicks while you’re cumming on their hooves. IDK why I like this sort of thing but I do.
Made improvements to the kneeling facefuck behavior to increase how dynamic it is by altering the internal calculations on how to create that behavior. The way the math worked was excluding about half of the seed data available due to a math error.
Made the laying on side hoofjob behavior lewder by visually making the player ejaculate once before the pony latches onto you with his/her mouth. This better conveys that he or she is actually consuming your semen at that moment/is more sexually interesting.
Added speed adjustment slider to Pony-On-Top oral. Oversight. Didn’t have it configured to show the UI for it.
Fixed bug with kneeling masturbation behaviors. You can no longer cum inside character that you are not having sex with and teleport semen into the character. Another oversight.
Fixed cursor bug that left the cursor on when it shouldn’t have been after switching from some situations to others quickly.
Fixed cursor bug that left the cursor on when it should have been after deploying a friend.
Made some random improvements to the cursor to improve its predictability and reliability. There was a weird circular logic situation that was eating up CPU cycles and prone to bugging out.
Fixed a specific cursor bug that we’ve had since 9.0 gold that made you need to select friend spawn points twice sometimes to deploy a friend. Took around 8 hours to fix but fuck you bug I finally fixed you. Was actually two bugs from completely different concepts with an identical result, so I wrote two bug contingencies to analyze what the failure was and then deploy the correct bug fix depending on the situation. Holy shit programming is a nightmare.
Altered the internal fluid rendering system to permit multiple symultanious fluid sources, however, technical limitations are preventing me from having multiple fluid colors/textures at the same time. It’s just how Besti 9 works and it can’t be changed in this version of Unity, but I did mess with things so you can make male friends cum while you cum on their hooves without one take priority (this is why I made this change.) If a female secretes something while you’re cumming on her hooves it will still change all fluids to that secretion. That can’t be fixed in Besti 9.
Changed some base physics behaviors to hopefully improve situations that consume the framerate.