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Patch notes 9.62

Update 6/3/2019 ~~ Besti 9.62p
==Core Updates==
Wrote a simplified handler for directing hand posing during interactive behaviors that takes less memory and works faster.

==Bug Fixes==
Made the naming consistent on the newer standing behaviors.
Removed requirement for you to be naked to go into the kneeling-presenting situation. That was unintended.

==New Features==
The room party environment has been improved in a couple ways. The scale felt fine in 2D, but wrong in VR, so that’s been changed. It also takes a little less VRAM than it did before.
A new behavior has been added for male and female friends. This is a kneeling oral interaction called “Facefuck.” It works similarly to the other kneeling behaviors in that the VR control systems primarily control you, rather than the friend.

==Known issues==
The facefuck behavior takes more room than I planned for on some surfaces. As a consequence the friend goes off the sides of things on some of the smaller areas. I’ll fix this but it’s a little non-trivial. Basically all Besti 9 environments are optimized in such a way that making alterations to static geometry requires editing the whole scene’s geometry to make things wider. Altering some elements requires regenerating the geometry of the scene/regenerating the lighting and collision systems.