October 6, 2019

Tutorial – Besti SDK Overview


The Besti SDK is a collection of programs for the Unity Game Engine that allows users to make new content for Besti X. Basically, if you can conjure something up in Unity, you can bring that asset into Besti using the Besti SDK. Besti understands a variety of content types that can be sent in, and will automatically categorize and connect that content to the game. The created content can be distributed to other Besti users privately, or via the soon-to-launch Besti Store, where creators can produce commercial content for other users.

Besti SDK Basics

There’s a lot you can do in the Besti SDK. Besides the hundreds of capabilities brought in by Unity itself (Particle systems, animations, etc) there are Besti-specific tools to make complicated things easy to create, such as items that can be picked up in VR, or teleportation systems.

If you haven’t followed the “Getting Started” guide and the Unity Basics guide, please do those first. The video below is much easier to understand if you’ve done those things.

Video Guide

This video gives a brief overview of how the Besti SDK works, and gives basic instructions on how to use the Besti tools.


  • 0:00  – Intro
  • 1:00  – Files and folders in the Besti SDK
  • 1:46  – The Scene Tutorial
  • 3:22  – Proxy Objects
  • 3:50  – Standard Tools
  • 4:30  – How to get help with tools

Great job going through the overview! Why not use the Besti SDK to create a scene?