May 1, 2021

Tool Guide – Sticky Surface

Latest Version: 0

The sticky surface tool marks a collider as one that should cause user hands to adhere to it when they are near it. Consider this to give an object or aspect of your scene a magnetic-like property that attracts player hands.

This is useful for making things that you can pet or touch.

Important: Sticky surfaces do not interact with physics, nor do they block universal cursor lasers. If you want something to be a grabbable physics object and ALSO a sticky surface, you will need separate colliders for each of these functions.

How to use

  1. Drag and drop the Sticky Surface tool onto a collider that you would like to make a sticky collider. This can be a Box collider, a sphere collider, a capsule collider, or a mesh collider.  When the user puts his/her hand near this collider, it will snap the user’s hand onto the collider.

Section Information



The options section contains 1 part

  • Include Child Objects checkbox

Include Child Objects will convert all colliders deeper in the hierarchy into sticky colliders. This may save you time if you have a very complicated group of colliders that you want to make sticky, but it has the same effect as putting another Sticky Surface tool on each part of the object.

For example, let us say your are attempting to make a sticky prop in the shape of a broom. You might use a capsule collider for the handle, and then as a child of that, you would have a box collider for the head of the broom. If you put this tool on the handle of the broom, and chose to include child objects, the head of the broom which is a child of the handle would also become a sticky surface.